A-level results day - 2016

18 August 2016

Commenting on this year’s A-levels results, a Russell Group spokesperson said:

“Congratulations to everyone on their hard-earned A-level results. We wish you the very best of luck in your future studies and careers.

Clearing and Adjustment

“For those who may have done better than expected or those highly-qualified students who may have just missed out it can be a nerve-wracking time. It’s important to remember that all our universities have people on hand to help as do UCAS. Some of our universities have places to offer to students who have exceeded expectations, and some have places for students who just missed out on their first choice.

Facilitating subjects

“We welcome the continuing high proportion of students taking facilitating subjects. These subjects can open doors for students as they are commonly required by our universities.  

“While it is encouraging to see a greater proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds achieving the grades for a place at university, we are not complacent. Our universities continue to spread the word to students that with the right grades in the right subjects a place at a Russell Group university is well within reach. Our guide Informed Choices provides advice for students on the best subject combinations for a wide range of Russell Group university courses and how to maximise their chances of getting onto their preferred course. Next month our universities will launch Advancing Access; a comprehensive resource for teachers to help advise students on post-16 subject choices, and provide information, advice and guidance for teachers to support students in applying to leading universities.

Further Maths and Maths

“The continued popularity of Maths, and increase in entries for Further Maths is welcome. Many of our universities require these subjects for their degree courses, particularly for science, engineering, economics and mathematics itself. The future prospects of students and the success of the UK economy are boosted by greater numbers taking maths and sciences.

Modern Languages

“We remain concerned by the continued decline in the number of students taking modern foreign languages. If the UK is to engage fully with the wider world in business, diplomacy and academia we need more young people studying languages.”


Notes to Editors

  1. For information about Clearing and Adjustment places at our universities students should visit universities' websites or go to the UCAS website. Students can also speak directly to a UCAS expert on Twitter or Facebook. Experienced careers advisers are also ready to discuss the range of options open to students on the Exam Results Helpline, which is funded by the Department for Education, on 0808 100 8000.
  2. Facilitating subjects at A-level are English literature, maths, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography and modern and classical languages. These are subjects that are required more often than others by Russell Group universities.
  3. Our guide Informed Choices, first published in 2011, is put together in collaboration with the Heads of Admission at the 24 Russell Group universities and includes advice on the best subject combinations for a wide range of university courses as well as advice on the best choices for students if they don’t know what they want to study after school and need to keep their options open. It can be found on our website here.


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