Comment on tuition fees

09 October 2013

Dr Wendy Piatt, Director General of the Russell Group, said:

“Professor Hamilton is right to highlight the problem of the cap on tuition fees. Increased income from fees in England has largely offset significant government cuts to public teaching grants. Fees should certainly increase with inflation in 2014/15.

“It is important to remember that there are no up-front fees, repayments are only made when they’re affordable and Russell Group universities provide lots of bursaries and fee reductions for students in need.

“Our leading institutions cannot continue to be internationally competitive, provide a first-rate teaching experience and offer generous support to disadvantaged students without access to increased funding."

Note to Editors

  1. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills announced in March that that the maximum tuition charges will remain at the same level in 2014 as in 2013:


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