DCSF 'Delivering 14-19 Reform: Next Steps' report

14 October 2008

Dr Wendy Piatt, Director General of The Russell Group of Universities, said:

“It is essential to get 14-19 education right because we don’t want any more talented young people missing out on the opportunity of going to university because of under-achievement at school. Delivering 14-19 Education: Next Steps is an important document showcasing not just the challenges ahead but also the achievements so far.

“The Russell Group particularly welcomes the focus on providing young people with much better information, advice and guidance in making crucial decisions about the best courses to take and institutions to attend – these choices can have a major impact on an individual’s career opportunities, earning power and quality of life. It is particularly important that pupils from families who haven’t been to university, or who have less knowledge about higher education than others, are given robust support and guidance at school.”

Note to Editors

  1. The Department for Children, Schools and Families' Delivering 14-19 Reform: Next Steps can be found at:http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/14-19/index.cfm?sid=26

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