HoC Sci&Tech committee - Tech transfer

13 March 2017

Commenting on the publication of “Managing intellectual property and technology transfer” by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, Russell Group head of policy Jessica Cole said:


Russell Group universities work with businesses in every part of the country to drive innovation and create jobs. Our members have been successful in attracting private partners for research and there is clear potential for further growth. Helping firms invest in UK R&D in partnership with higher education institutions is good for businesses, good for universities and good for the economy.

Ensuring LEPs are working with universities in their regions will help ensure that opportunities are not missed. Looking again at barriers to collaboration like VAT rules on shared use of academic buildings is also a welcome recommendation. Brexit will give the government an opportunity to consider how we can use the tax system to provide real incentives for businesses and universities to boost collaboration.


Notes to Editors:

 The report from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee is available online at https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmsctech/755/755.pdf


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