Durham Learning Alliance: giving people the skills they need to get on in life

Durham Learning Alliance: giving people the skills they need to get on in life

Community impact
Student experience
Access & participation
Durham University
17 January 2025
Durham University and four County Durham colleges are working together to expand education opportunities and drive economic growth in North East England.

Durham University and four County Durham colleges are working together to expand education opportunities and drive economic growth in North East England.

The Durham Learning Alliance is a partnership between the University, New College Durham, East Durham College, Derwentside College and Bishop Auckland College. The Alliance is expanding employment and apprenticeship opportunities, piloting T-level placements and improving progression routes for post-16 education.

One of the Alliance’s successful collaborations involved ten T-level students from the colleges undertaking work placements at Durham University.

Eight students completed placements in the University’s Computing and Information Services while two worked in the Department of Chemistry. The students gained valuable work experience, support and mentorship and there are plans to expand the T-level placement programme across other University departments.

Future plans include moves to pilot a mentoring scheme for female T-level students in areas where women are traditionally underrepresented such as engineering, digital and technical services.