Making Exeter's museum collections available to everyone
The University of Exeter is helping to ensure the amazing collections of local museums are accessible to everyone, through open access to digital resources
Set in the heart of a busy acute hospital, LifeLab is a unique collaboration between the University of Southampton, the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Southampton and University Hospital Southampton (UHS). Through an immersive educational experience, the facility enables teenagers to understand the science behind the health messages.
The preventative initiative is designed to help reduce long-term pressures on the NHS from rising rates of stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in later life which cost the health service billions of pounds every year.
The programme starts with professional development for teachers and fully resourced, curriculum-linked lessons delivered in school and expanded through peer-to-peer opportunities such as the Royal Society for Public Health ‘Young Health Champions’ qualification, work experience and summer school placements.
Over the last 10 years, more than 16,000 young people, from over 100 schools and colleges have participated, some of which are in the most disadvantaged areas of Southampton.
With support from Southampton City Council, an Early LifeLab programme has now been rolled out in over 40% of the primary settings in Southampton, reaching more than 5,500 children and training almost 300 school staff. The new resources help them discover why a healthy diet, physical activity and sleep matter, and supports them and their families in making better health choices.