Reducing the attainment gap in primary schools in Southampton
The aim of the programme is to provide additional numeracy and literacy help for children who need it most, to help reduce the attainment gap that has widened since the pandemic.
The programmes are designed to complement the work of staff in schools, with activity supporting young people from under-resourced backgrounds to achieve an increase in both their attainment and attitudes towards numeracy and literacy.
In 2023/4, the university worked with 10 partner schools in Southampton to deliver the numeracy (Shapes and Numbers) and literacy (Books and Stories) programmes with primary age students in Years 5 and 6, and the secondary school literacy programme (Reading Buddies) for students in Year 7. A total of 269 students engaged with the programmes across a 10-week period.
Findings from a 2023 evaluation of the programmes showed that 55% of students taking part in the Books and Stories programme had made improvements in their reading attainment while 57.5% of participants of the Shapes and Numbers programme had made improvements in their maths attainment. Meanwhile 62% of students participating in the Reading Buddies programme had increased their reading age by more than two years.
Teachers noted that children were able to apply real life maths with a purpose and as a result of the interventions children approached SATs in a much calmer, more thoughtful manner.
Chantelle Veneroso, widening participation coordinator at the university, said: “Our focus with primary schools is to support the children’s transition to secondary school, and their lifelong learning beyond that.”
The programme employed 62 student ambassadors from the university to support the delivery of sessions in the partner schools providing a rewarding experience for those taking part.