Protecting the UK’s place as a global leader in health research

10 May 2023

In response to the Academy of Medical Sciences report on protecting the future of the UK’s health research, ‘Future-proofing UK Health Research: a people-centred, coordinated approach’, published today (10 May 2023), Stephanie Smith, Deputy Director of Policy at the Russell Group, said:

"The UK’s place as a global leader in health research brings huge benefits to our society and economy and will be critical to tackling the health challenges we face around the world. This report is right to highlight the need for coordinated action to protect the sector and ensure it has a sustainable future.

"Universities are ready to play their part alongside funders, NHS leaders, Government and others to enable people in the health research community to develop their careers within the sector and fulfil their potential. However, future-proofing health research will also require sustainable funding, including reversing the trend of a falling percentage of university research costs covered by public and charitable funding."

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