Research fundingX
Latest Documents
17 January 2014
Government's Balance of Competences review - EU Budget
EU funding streams are key to the continued growth of research excellence in the UK, to innovation and to the creation of economic value. They are an irreplaceable source of funding for UK universities and for research-intensive universities in particular. The EU provides a unique and highly competitive platform for international collaboration.
06 August 2013
Government's Balance of Competences review - Research and Development
21 June 2013
House of Lords Science and Technology Committee inquiry on scientific infrastructure
05 June 2013
Article for the Centre Forum report Postgraduate education: better funding and better access
31 May 2013
Sir Andrew Witty’s review of universities and growth
15 May 2013
Spending Round for 2015/16
28 February 2013
Triennial Review of the Research Councils
11 February 2013
House of Lords EU Select Committee inquiry into the effectiveness of EU research and innovation proposals
08 February 2013
Science and Technology Select Committee Inquiry: Bridging the Valley of Death: improving the commercialisation of research
15 June 2012
Briefing on contribution of Russell Group universities to Horizon 2020
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Dr Tim Bradshaw
020 3816 1300