Briefing on the Higher Education and Research Bill ahead of Queen's Speech debate

23 May 2016

We share the Government’s desire to strengthen the UK’s world-class higher education system.

We support the Government’s commitment to maintain and build on the world-class research and innovation taking place at our leading universities. However, the Government should be careful about making any substantial changes to a successful system that allows us to punch above our weight internationally.

We welcome legislative protection for the dual support system in the Bill. How the principle of ‘reasonable balance’ in funding for the Research Councils and Research England is determined will be critical. The combination of stable core funding and competitively awarded grants ensures the diversity and breadth of research in the UK.

We need tuition fees to rise with inflation to help our universities remain internationally competitive and our students continue to receive a world-class learning experience. This year, £9,000 tuition fees will be worth only £8,546 in 2012 terms and our universities already have to do more with less.

Russell Group universities deliver outstanding research hand in hand with excellent teaching – this is central to the student experience they provide. It is important the Government enhances the UK’s reputation for excellent teaching by ensuring regulation is risk-based and proportionate.

Briefing on the Higher Education and Research Bill ahead of the Queen's Speech debate

This is a short briefing ahead of the Queen's Speech debate on education and skills.

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