Submission to the Hauser Review of Catapult Centres
30 May 2014
Catapult Centres have the potential to be a significant national asset for the UK if research excellence is at the heart of their operations and if long-term funding is available.
Catapults should be engaged directly with the UK’s excellent research-intensive universities, enabling them to build on areas of existing strength and international comparative advantage.
The most recently established Catapults appear much less well linked in with universities and their overall model for establishing engagement with excellence in the research base is unclear. By locating Catapults within or alongside research-intensive universities, their remit can be enhanced to deliver training and development informed by excellent research and expertise in knowledge exchange and translation.
Decisions on Catapult location and coverage need to be taken in a more transparent way, reflecting potential regional and national roles. Any new Catapult should also take into account, and be complementary to, current successful business-university partnerships.
Submission to the Hauser Review of Catapult Centres
Hamir Patel
020 3816 1316
Stephanie Smith
020 3816 1310