Response to degree classification consultation

06 February 2019

Safeguarding the value of qualifications is very important to Russell Group universities, not only to maintain academic standards but also focus on the wider student experience.

The work by the Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA) will help to better understand trends in rising degree attainment. While further consultation will be required with students, graduates, employers and universities, the proposed recommendations present a valuable opportunity to reflect on options for the development of the degree classification system.

The principles, which are outlined in the consultation as central to the sector’s response, are helpful:

  • maintaining the autonomy and diversity of the sector
  • enhancing current quality assurance arrangements; ensuring students are not unfairly disadvantaged
  • continued use of criterion-referenced assessment and classification to ensure genuine improvements in student attainment continue to be recognised.

These principles should underpin the development of the UK-wide statement of intent and its component parts.

Read more in our consultation response below.

Response to degree classification consultation

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