Evidence to the review into the implementation of the RCUK policy on open access

12 September 2014

Russell Group universities are working to implement RCUK open access policy as effectively as possible but there are still challenges to overcome.

In particular, we remain concerned about the overall business case for a predominantly Gold open access policy and want to ensure that the Green route remains a valid option for the future. Researchers should be free to publish how and where they believe it is most appropriate. If academic freedoms are unduly affected by open access compliance issues then there is a risk that the impact of UK research will be limited in the immediate future, with possible wider consequences for the UK’s international standing.

We also continue to have concerns about top-slicing the research budget in order to fund open access, not least because the true costs are as yet unknown and may not be fully known for some time.

The Russell Group would support a move towards aligning RCUK’s policy with that of HEFCE, which supports a combination of Green and Gold open access routes and includes a helpful list of exemptions to open access, including if the most appropriate publication either actively disallows open access or has embargo periods longer than HEFCE’s maxima.

Evidence to the review into the implementation of the RCUK policy on open access

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