A stepping stone to Cambridge for students facing disadvantage

A stepping stone to Cambridge for students facing disadvantage

Student experience
Access & participation
University of Cambridge
17 January 2025
The Cambridge Foundation Year is a unique course intended to provide a stepping stone to Cambridge for students who have been prevented from realising their potential due to educational disadvantage or disruption.​

The Cambridge Foundation Year course is a free and fully-funded programme offering study in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Students who are eligible for the foundation year include applicants who are care experienced, young carers, individuals who have experienced homelessness and those who have had extended absences from education due to ill health.

47 students joined the Cambridge Foundation Year’s first cohort in 2022, with 45 successfully completing the course and receiving a CertHE qualification: 39 (83%) in July 2023 and a further 6 (13%) in 2024 after periods of intermission from their study. Of these, 34 (72.3%) continued at Cambridge as undergraduates on completing the course.

Those who completed the course but did not continue at Cambridge were supported in securing places at other leading UK universities, with the majority attending Russell Group institutions.

The second cohort of foundation year students arrived in Cambridge at the start of the 2023 academic year. As well as receiving support from University departments and colleges, the 2023 class of 42 new students received help, mentoring and friendship from the new Cambridge Foundation Year Society – created by the programme’s first students. 

47 students entered the third cohort for the 2024 academic year. Students from the programme have taken on leadership roles in student societies and JCRs, complete for the University in sports, and participate in student journalism and drama.