Building healthy communities
Through research, partnerships with the NHS and by training the next generation of clinical staff, Russell Group universities are ensuring R&D breakthroughs have a local and national impact and that problems like NHS waiting lists can be tackled to build healthier communities.
Russell Group universities work with local partners to identify health needs and provide targeted solutions in their communities – investing in research into new treatments for diseases which affect particular groups, and identifying and closing gaps in health services that have left people struggling to see doctors, dentists or other medical professionals.
Closing community healthcare gaps
As key partners for the NHS, Russell Group universities work hard to help identify staff and service shortages and provide solutions for their communities.
Representing nearly half the medical schools in the UK, Russell Group universities have a record of delivery for the NHS, providing medical education informed by and drawing on cutting edge research that is delivering new treatments and technologies for health services.
Russell Group universities are using their expertise in medicine and excellence in life sciences research to bring together partners to tackle community healthcare needs: whether this is through supporting a precision medicine cluster in Scotland that will save lives and cut NHS costs, or working with other universities to extend medical education into new areas where there are significant shortages of clinical staff.
Community-led health research
More than 90% of Russell Group research is rated as world-leading or internationally excellent.
In health and life sciences, cutting-edge research that is having a global impact is often driven and informed by healthcare challenges facing our universities’ local communities.
Links with community organisations, charities and others have helped teams within Russell Group universities build clear pictures of areas where research is needed to boost wellbeing and address health inequalities.
Partnerships with local authorities, NHS trusts and community leaders are supporting research programmes that are working with local people to deliver effective solutions.
Supporting healthy lives
Through access to sporting facilities, outreach work with local schools and other groups, and making broader wellbeing support available for people who need it, Russell Group universities provide essential community health resources and are easing pressure on the NHS by helping people live healthy lives.
Programmes delivered by Russell Group universities in many areas of the country help promote a holistic approach to wellbeing which can help reduce demand for stretched healthcare services, particularly amongst vulnerable or hard to reach populations with complex needs.