Ministerial reshuffle

15 July 2014

Commenting on the appointment of Dr Greg Clark MP as Minister of State for Universities and Science, Dr Wendy Piatt, Director General of the Russell Group, said:

“I would like to congratulate Greg Clark on his appointment as Minister for Universities and Science and Minister of State for Cities.  We look forward to working closely with him.

“I’d also like to express our heartfelt thanks to David Willetts for the work that he has done whilst in Government. His support for science and research has been much appreciated, as well as his willingness to engage with our universities constructively.

“This is a crucial time for Russell Group universities and the Government’s support for research and capital funding has been welcome. But there are still challenges ahead to ensure our universities can compete against the best in the world, both in terms of research and innovation funding, and attracting the best possible students regardless of background.

“Ensuring that the UK is seen as open and welcoming to the brightest students from overseas is also crucial to the future success of our universities. 

“Russell Group universities make a vital contribution to economic growth and our national life – they contribute more than £32 billion a year to the UK economy and are responsible for supporting over 300,000 jobs.”

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