National Student Survey reveals high satisfaction at Russell Group universities

17 August 2010

Responding to the results of the National Student Survey 2010, Dr Wendy Piatt, Director General of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities, said:

“Despite the challenging funding environment, Russell Group universities have once again provided their students with an overwhelmingly positive experience, with an average of 86% ‘definitely’ or ‘mostly’ agreeing that they were satisfied with the quality of their course – significantly higher than the sector average of 82%. One Russell Group university, Oxford, tops the satisfaction table for English state-funded universities. 

“However, Russell Group universities are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a high quality learning environment and high student satisfaction rates particularly in light of the past year’s spending cuts. Any further cuts would severely impede efforts to drive up quality of teaching and research. It is essential that the government enables universities to access more funds – by lifting fee caps after the Browne review – so they can concentrate on providing a world-class learning experience.

“The combination of teaching and research excellence in our universities creates an ideal learning environment. It gives students opportunities to engage in research processes; a connection to leading thinkers and world-class experts in their fields; access to first-rate libraries and facilities, and a highly motivated and talented peer group.

“Russell Group universities work hard to ensure that they continue to have high levels of student satisfaction and the lowest drop-out rates. Our priority is to ensure students are able to develop intellectually and socially, and are in a strong position to succeed in a very competitive job market.”

Note to Editors

  1. Question 22 of the National Student Survey asks undergraduates to agree or disagree with the statement “Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course’. The average satisfaction rate across Russell Group universities is 86%.  This compares with an average of 82% across the sector.

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