Pupil destination statistics 2010/11

23 July 2013

Commenting on the destination statistics for Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils published today by the Department for Education, Dr Wendy Piatt, Director General of the Russell Group, said:

“Our universities are committed to ensuring our doors are wide open to talented and able students from all backgrounds, provided they have the ability, potential and determination to succeed. About one in three Russell Group students get a bursary or scholarship and we invest millions every year in outreach and related activities.

“But we can’t do this alone. The root causes of underrepresentation of students from poorer backgrounds at leading universities include underachievement in schools and a lack of good advice on subject choices. For example, in 2009 only 232 students who had been on free school meals (FSM) achieved 3As at A-level or the equivalent.  This was 4.1% of the total number of FSM students taking A-levels, and less than an estimated 0.3% of all those who had received free school meals when aged 15.

“There should also be some caution when using this data. The Department for Education has described these as experimental statistics and they may, for data protection reasons, not show a number of students who did go on to Russell Group universities.“

Notes to Editors

  1. The full set of statistics can be found on the Department for Education website here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/destinations-of-key-stage-4-and-key-stage-5-pupils-by-characteristics-academic-year-2010-to-2011
  2. In 2011 the proportion of A-level students from independent schools who gained AAA grades or above was nearly four times greater than the proportion getting such grades from comprehensive schools. Only 12.9% of A-level candidates come from the independent sector but almost a third (32.3%) of those candidates who gained 3 A grades or better came from independent schools.   Independent schools accounted for 14.2% of A-level entries in 2011, but 27.3% of A or A* grades and 31.8% of A* grades alone.
  3. In 2014-15 the 20 Russell Group universities in England will be spending £193.3 million on scholarships, fee waivers and bursaries aimed at the most disadvantaged, and £36.2 million on outreach activities, including working with teachers and pupils in schools and putting on summer schools and access schemes.

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