Latest Documents
29 October 2019
2019 UK General Election
Now that a general election has been confirmed, we have published the Russell Group's policy platform for a new government with people and ideas at its heart.
09 May 2017
May 2017 - Brexit briefing
Read our latest Brexit briefing.
08 September 2016
Response to Science & Technology committee - leaving the EU
The referendum result has significant impact on our universities and we must seek a positive outcome
30 June 2014
Government's Balance of Competences review - Education
There are significant benefits to the UK of EU action in some areas of education and training. However, these actions are advantageous because they are in addition to (rather than instead of) national government action: the key to success is that EU programmes should complement national policies.
17 January 2014
Government's Balance of Competences review - EU Budget
EU funding streams are key to the continued growth of research excellence in the UK, to innovation and to the creation of economic value. They are an irreplaceable source of funding for UK universities and for research-intensive universities in particular. The EU provides a unique and highly competitive platform for international collaboration.
21 November 2011
House of Lords EU Committee inquiry into the Modernisation of Higher Education
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