Horizon Europe: Maintaining UK leadership in global R&D collaboration

18 January 2022

To make the UK a science superpower, we must be able to collaborate with the best minds around the world. Association to Horizon Europe will provide access to unprecedented opportunities for cross-border collaboration as well as a scale and breadth of funding that will bring multiple benefits to Britain.

The Government’s determination to secure association has been underlined by the decision to make it part of the Brexit deal, stating clearly that association is its top priority and setting out a long-term, ringfenced commitment to the funding needed for it.

Our briefing outlines the benefits of full association such as:

  • the scale of the scheme and opportunities for collaboration
  • enhancing Britain's reputation as a global player
  • continued involvement with the European Research Council which funds high-quality research
  • access to training opportunities for UK scientists
  • funding for businesses of all sizes
  • innovation, growth and impact through networks, grants and support

Download the full briefing including case studies here:

Horizon Europe: Maintaining UK leadership in global R&D collaboration

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