Briefing: Horizon Europe - what next?

07 March 2023

Association to Horizon Europe - the world’s largest collaborative research programme – has rightly been the UK Government’s stated priority for more than two years.

The Windsor Framework has removed the biggest roadblock to UK association to Horizon Europe, Copernicus and Euratom and the benefits that this will bring to individuals, businesses and the British public more widely.

The scale of research supported by Horizon Europe will help deliver medical breakthroughs, new technologies such as AI, and other advances to improve all our lives.

Modern science is team science: access to the ready-made routes for talent flow, facilities access and collaboration with multiple countries will help to build our status as a science superpower. That is why the Government and EU must now rubberstamp the UK’s full association.

Read our latest briefing on Horizon Europe below.

Briefing: Horizon Europe - what next?

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