Response to the Dowling Review of university-business collaboration

06 March 2015

Russell Group universities are leaders in establishing long-term multi-dimensional relationships with businesses and contribute out of all proportion to their size on key economic measures.

Sustained long-term public investment in research and innovation is needed to ensure that the UK’s leading universities can continue to provide businesses with access to a critical mass of research excellence across disciplines and a broad base of capability across teaching, professional development and innovation.  

Current mechanisms to support university-business collaboration are valuable but could be more effective. In particular, there are problems in accessing ‘proof of concept’ funds and sufficient venture capital, and the Higher Education Innovation Fund could be more targeted to support research-intensive universities where it can have most effect.

A stable regulatory and tax system (including certainty around VAT rules) is also needed to provide an environment where universities and businesses have the confidence to invest in long-term relationships.

Response to the Dowling Review of university-business collaboration

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