Russell Group: potential of LLE could be 'transformational'

07 March 2023

In response to the Government announcement on the Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE), Dr Hollie Chandler, Head of Policy (Higher Education) at the Russell Group, said:

“Giving more people the opportunity to learn, upskill and retrain throughout their lives will help to grow high-level skills, revitalise our local, regional, and national economies and level up opportunity across the UK. Russell Group universities already offer flexible options for different learners, and want to do more.

“The Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) has the potential to be transformational for students, providers and employers. However, it is vital that it is developed, implemented, and financially supported in a way that complements rather than replaces more traditional learning pathways, enabling the expansion of high-quality flexible learning programmes whilst maintaining the UK’s internationally renowned undergraduate degrees.”

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