Russell Group welcomes policy review proposal on volunteering

19 March 2007

Commenting on today’s publication of The Prime Minister’s policy review (19 March), which raises the possibility of universities and colleges formally crediting students for voluntary activities which would contribute towards their final degree, Director General of The Russell Group, Dr Wendy Piatt, said:

"Russell Group universities strongly encourage their staff and students to participate in volunteering in the community through a wide range of exciting initiatives.

"All Russell Group institutions have formed close collaborations and on-going relationships with schools and colleges in deprived areas so that thousands of staff and students can tutor and mentor local pupils.

"Many students and staff now take part in summer schools to prepare pupils from non-traditional backgrounds for university life and to raise their aspirations.
"Students also provide help and encouragement with a range of subjects, particularly Maths, Science and Technology on the internet. And university RAG appeals raise millions of pounds every year for local charities."

Many Russell Group universities support community action projects by providing a small grant fund and training for project leaders and several institutions already give students credits for volunteering. Others allow all University staff to take an additional day of paid leave each year to enable staff to participate in volunteering activities.

Dr Piatt added: “Russell Group universities are committed to considering any further steps which will enable students and staff to contribute their time and energy to helping in the community. We are happy to think of ways of more formally recognising volunteering work undertaken by students during their time at university.

"We think that our universities can play a vital role in raising the aspirations of students from non-traditional backgrounds and supporting community projects and local charities.”

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