Latest Documents
15 September 2022
Backing new discoveries and innovations to boost growth
Read a briefing on the world leading research that takes place at Russell Group universities and how it helps to boost investment, create jobs and deliver a productive economy.
15 September 2022
Science skills and innovation: delivering growth and prosperity for the UK
Read a briefing by the Russell Group on how the world-leading research and education at Russell Group universities delivers real economic and social benefits across the whole of the UK
21 March 2022
Briefing: Russell Group universities role in 'levelling up' the UK
Russell Group universities are spread across every region and nation of the UK, delivering world class education and skills and ground-breaking research.
30 September 2021
Our proposals to help boost innovation and prosperity for the UK
04 June 2021
How Russell Group universities can support levelling up
Our universities are regional hubs with global reach, well placed to help deliver a rapid recovery across the UK
25 March 2021
Research-intensive universities driving innovation and commercialisation across the UK
Universities support levelling up by driving innovation in their local economies.
22 January 2021
Russell Group submission to the 2021 Budget
The Russell Group's submission to the 2021 Budget
02 December 2020
Research and innovation for a Covid-19 recovery
Submission to the Science and Technology Committee (Commons) Inquiry on the role of technology, research and innovation in the Covid-19 recovery
24 October 2020
Spending review 2020
The Russell Group's submission to the 2020 Spending Review
27 July 2020
Submission to the BEIS committee inquiry on post- pandemic economic growth
Russell Group submission to the BEIS committee inquiry on post-pandemic economic growth
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020 3816 1316
Dr Tim Bradshaw
020 3816 1300