Medic-to-Medic and the Map of Medicine developed at UCL

Researchers at University College London have been able to develop a standardised diagnostic tool which has been implemented across the NHS and healthcare systems in other nations. The experience and expertise which Dr Owen Epstein had amassed through his research and clinical practice at UCL and the Royal Free Hospital London triggered the idea of a universal online tool to help aid diagnosis. He was able to recruit input and expert advice from over 250 clinicians based at the Royal Free Hospital.

The ‘Map of Medicine’ tool provides an online road-map of common clinical conditions. It uses evidence-based clinical knowledge displayed in an easy-to-use format to help clinicians achieve the optimum diagnosis for their patients, based on the most up-to-date medical knowledge.

By helping clinicians – especially non-specialists, or specialists working outside their field – achieve speedy and accurate diagnoses, the map is achieving significant cost savings for the National Health Service. Key benefits are:

  • Improving patient safety: one in 10 patients are unintentionally harmed by their carers, and safety incidents cost the NHS £2 billiona year. Map of Medicine helps treatment plans to be designed based on the latest knowledge and more accurate diagnoses.
  • Changing patient care: following evidence-based practice can improve patient care and save costs through reducing hospitalisations, reducing overall hospitalisation time and reducing the need for costly drug treatments.
  • Improved planning: by standardising treatment, the Map of Medicine helps managers plan more effectively and achieve more efficient resource allocation.

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