Latest Documents
05 May 2022
Potential of Lifelong Loan Entitlement is 'transformational'
The Russell Group responds to the Government's consultation on proposals for a Lifelong Loan Entitlement.
07 April 2022
Briefing - Helping under-represented students access and succeed at university
In a briefing for the Office for Students, the Russell Group sets out its priorities for improving access to university.
21 March 2022
Briefing: Russell Group universities role in 'levelling up' the UK
Russell Group universities are spread across every region and nation of the UK, delivering world class education and skills and ground-breaking research.
15 March 2022
Response to OfS on TEF and student outcomes
Response to consultations on TEF, regulating student outcomes, and constructing indicators
24 February 2022
Briefing: Lifelong Loan Entitlement
Russell Group briefing on creating new opportunities for flexible lifelong learning
18 January 2022
Briefing: Benefits of joining Horizon Europe
A brief outline of the benefits of joining the EU's collaborative research programme, the largest of its kind in the world
10 January 2022
Russell Group response to OfS consultation 2022-25 strategy
Our response to the OfS strategy consultation which focusses on quality and standards, and equality of opportunity
06 December 2021
Russell Group response to Reproducibility and research integrity enquiry - September 2021
Response to House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee Call for Evidence on Reproducibility & Research Integrity
29 November 2021
Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill 2021 Briefing
How to protect freedom of speech and academic freedom across higher education
04 October 2021
Response to OfS quality & standards consultation
Russell Group response highlights support for principles-based and risk-based regulation
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